Rotary Vacuum Filter

  1. Rotary Vacuum Filter Calculation
  2. Rotary Vacuum Filter Price
  3. Rotary Vacuum Filter Manufacturers

The vacuum drum filter YU builds up a vacuum with a liquid seal pump, which is connected to the drum via the separator connected in turn to the hollow axle. This causes the liquid to filter through the filter cloth. The solids contained in the suspension are deposited in a uniform layer on the filter cloth, thus forming a filter cake.


Rotary Vacuum Filter Calculation

The NFM Rotary Drum Vacuum Filter is a continuous filter for low-to-medium production rates with medium filterability. It is used typically with medium to low resistance filter cakes. However, the NFM Precoat Discharge Rotary Drum Vacuum Filter uses filter aids such as dicalite or perlite as a precoat for high resistance filter cake conditions. Rotary Table Vacuum Filter. The WesTech Rotary Table Vacuum Filter is a continuous filtration unit ideal for handling large flow rates. The horizontal orientation of the rotary table enables a thick filter cake to form on the surface.

FilterRotary vacuum filter working principle

The filtered solids layer emerges from the slurry as the drum rotates and is then washed, dried, and removed from the filter cloth. The washing liquid is applied to the cake directly through wash pipes.


Rotary Vacuum Filter Price

The filter cake is discharged by the blowback shoe, which is fitted with very close clearance to the accurately machined inside surface of the cylinder, sealing off vacuum and blow-back pressure at the point of cake discharge. Cake discharge is achieved by a pulse of gas behind the cake. The snapping action of the filter media initiated by the flow of gas discharges the cake entirely and cleans the filter medium at the same time.

Rotary Vacuum Filter Manufacturers

As the drum rotates, it is re-immersed in the suspension. The filter cloth can be cleaned before the next filtration cycle, either by means of water jets, bubbles, or both.