If you were spooked by Five Nights at Freddy’s, then prepare yourself for the sinister layers of 90’s virtual pet horror known as Tattletail. Freshly launched on Steam, Tattletail is an independently produced title from Waygetter Electrionics who insist that “all sightings of Mama Tattletail” should be reported to them.
Jan 10, 2017 Tattletail game download die during this by diving is a party make me do this again as the last thing. I need please light turn on don't let me die to mama and just be quiet this particular assignment there's already another game they will ring what ok know what is this dark creepiness. What is it like a chant no more mama ok quiet ok we're lighting candles in a new. More this creepy okay this. Tattletail released in 2016 is a Indie game published by Little Flag Software, LLC developed by Waygetter Electronics for the platforms PC (Microsoft Windows) Mac. Tattletail has a total rating by the online gaming community of 80%. Buy Tattletail on the Steam Store About: Tattletail is a short first person horror game. Released December 2016 PC & Mac via Steam. Credits: I directed the game and did the art, level design, sound, music, etc. Including the trailer. Geneva Hodgson designed the Tattletail characters and co-designed the concept for the game. She also was the.
Described as a short form, story-driven horror set in first person perspective, Tattletail takes place during Christmas and revolves around a fictional talking toy called ‘Tattletail’. The game’s protagonist decides to open their Tattletail present before Christmas Day, resulting in the toy not staying in its box. Your mission is to keep Tattletail out of trouble amongst various other objectives:
Horror Game Online
- Obey Tattletail’s mischevious demands.
- Feed, Brush, and Recharge Tattletail… or he’ll never shut up.
- Shake your flashlight to charge it… but be careful. Someone might hear.
- Do not wake up Mama Tattletail
- Do not make loud noises near Mama Tattletail
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Keen for a scare? You can pick up Tattletail from Steam today for just $4.99 USD, available for PC and Mac. Stay up to date with the developer’s latest projects through Twitter.